A large percentage of the baby-boomer 45+ generation have got plenty of spare cash and like to spend it and that makes us powerful. Ignore us at your peril!
We can make you rich - if you show us the respect we deserve !
We like spending money BUT we are discerning and we've learned a thing or two in our life. Treat us with respect, know our needs and cater to us in a way that works for us and you’ll earn our undying loyalty and our dollars and pounds will be yours.
Turn on Tune in and Rake in our Money!
Sadly, not everyone who is trying to sell to the over fifties has turned on to what we really want ... YET!
This morning awoken by a text arriving at 5.00 am – that’ll teach me to leave the ringer on – I find myself sitting at the computer following a trail that ended with a search on Technorati and Google for keywords for women over fifty.
That's because I offer a life-coaching and relationship mentoring program for women [and men too] from 46 to 64 - culminating with a divinely luxurious personal awakening week in St Lucia - but that's for a later blog. And on my search I found a store website called fifty plus – whose purpose apparently is to sell clothing to people over fifty. To find out how I can help YOU...follow the links on the right hand side of this blog
In my not so humble opinion [IMO], they haven't a clue who their customer is and what they want and I wouldn't buy from them on principle.
Give us the respect our dollar demands!
I won't buy goods from a company who's advertising thermal underwear on a model who is probably not more than 25, with fake tits - one of which is larger than the other. And even worse…she’s not wearing a bra. Every baby boomer woman I know - who hasn’t had her tits done and isn’t still living in hippie-land - wears a bra and wouldn’t dream of going out without one so why show underwear modelled on a braless body? Doh! It’s not what we do!
I want to see divine clothing modelled on people MY age AND I want the models to look normal! Can we please see clothing on different sized and aged women – skinny AND larger forty-five AND over? I want to see what a vest looks like with a bra under it because even though my body is lithe, healthy and fit and do a lot of yoga,eat 60% raw food and drink alkalising green drinks [check out my website for the amazing alkalising green drinks that helped me lose 18lbs! ] my tits are real so they don't hold up on their own as well as they used to!
I don’t see clothing for twenty somethings modelled by fifty year olds so I don’t expect to see clothing for my age group modelled by someone who’s half my age.
At least Saga, which appears to be the only
I love the
What I want to see is a hot, sexy, intelligent UK magazine for the 45+ intelligent, youthful, freedom loving baby boomers - please!
And here's one final [for now] item for the 'respect us or lose us' wish list. Use bigger typefaces! If you’re aiming a site at a group of people, it’s quite useful to know a bit about them. And the fact is that most people in their mid to late forties and over who had normal near 20/20 vision, need reading glasses to read small type. AND we don't like having to put them on to ready everything that's out there.
So if by some miracle I find a site that is in a typeface I can read... I get excited... I feel cared for. I say to myself ‘these people are thinking of me’…it’s like seeing the chocolate on the pillow in a hotel or encountering the smiling doorman who uses your name or the check-out girl who remembers you probably won’t want a plastic bag because you like to do your thing for the environment... and who also remembers that your memory does have lapses and that you might sometimes forget your hemp bag and need to use the plastic!
Top of my fifty-friendly list this week is the Italian restaurant in Hertfordshire [I'll publish details in a later blog] who get that their most valued clients are in their mid forties to over fifty. They give away a credit card size magnifier cleverly printed with the restaurants contact details. These guys know who puts olive oil on their ciabatta and they treat them with the respect they're due!
And if they offered a large print menu as well as the magnifier then I’d love them even more and talking of food...
Find out how I lost 18 lbs - by changing the way I eat and drink...
Join my campaign to make the world more fifty-friendly!
Are you fifty-friendly? Do you know a service or organisation who is?I'd like to sing their praises from the rooftops of my far reaching blog.
Add a comment and post a link. Do you know someone who serves our age group and like the fifty plus clothing company doesn't tailor their stuff to us in the best possible way? Let's begin to expose them and hopefully encourage them to tailor to us or lose us!
peta - 54 and three quarters ;-)
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