Fifty is the new 'youth' market
Well...That's what my 'trend oracle' tells me and he's No 1 in his field in advertising. He's spent a career noticing trends.. These people make it their business to know what's happening in the market so that they can plan ahead..and he thinks that more and more providers of services will begin to realise that we are an important market...
In short the fabulous fifties are hip and ready to rock and roll into the best years yet..just like Richard Branson who is one of my favourite exemplars that's me with him in the pic - he used to come into my restaurant in the 70's and we renewed our acquaintance a couple of years ago.. at the British Superbikes grand prix
Finding new purpose after fifty
If you're like me you've spent enough time in the game of life to have a good measure of success in your career and now you're aware that there's more. You are evolving. I made a success as the Flirt Coach and now I'm thinking... I want to work with people of my own age, singles, divorced, couples who want to make their fifties as memorable as their halcyon days ONLY MORE SO....
You might be asking questions like 'how else can I make an impact ?'. You may have brought up kids - with a partner or on your own - and they're making their own tracks in the world.... more or less.. ;-) and you're asking yourself.. What's my purpose now that they're going their independent ways..?
Changing bodies
I had a big turn around at 52.. it all hit me. I split with my partner and suddenly after 20 years in relationship I was single. I got thin then I got fatter. And I realised that my body really was a temple. I'd said it was years ago.. but did I treat it like one NO WAY. But as my body started to change I got.. help! This is the ONLY one I'm getting in THIS life!
You're probably beginning to get how important it is to take care of your precious and potentially fit and lithe and beautifully healthy body.. you may be thinking about changing your diet, getting more exercise... or continuing to do more of what already works.. You are aware of changes and you may be finding it a bit challenging to realise you're just not the same as you were when you were 30 or even 40..
Click here to find out how I lost 18 lbs - by changing the way I eat and drink..and embracing yoga.
You realise you have every chance of living longer.. but you want to be healthy.
This is what happened to me... I was and still am working on a book proposal for my publishers and I realised I had to research...I started to think about getting fit..and changing the way I eat.. and what I can do to take care of myself..so that I enjoy the rest of my life.. and I started to take bio-identical hormones [more of that in another blog]
Hurricanes and Earthquakes - Staying in your centre
This is also an age where upheavals knock our world for six.. at first....We might lose a long term partner because andro and meno pauses do cause people to act irrationally...!!
Sometimes we get kicked out of a job... or our partner does...and suddenly everything is different... You're out there and the raft has broken up.. and you're.. facing the tides of life.... this is survival and revival time. Scary stuff... and we thought it was all so secure... hmmmm but when we get that this is a blessing..oooh... it can be brilliant..
After survival comes revival.... The forest fire destroys the entire forest and we go 'oh no' but the forest knows and if it could speak it would say . 'this is how it is.....for the new to emerge we have to let go of the old..'
Ask anyone who's come through a major life event like losing a loved one through death or divorce or had the security of a regular income suddenly removed..AND because of all that, not in spite of.. they have moved on. They'll tell you it was the greatest thing that ever happened.. that it made them sit up and examine about what their life is all about and want to make something of it. When this happens it's an opportunity to eliminate all the old doo doo and start again emerging as the new you into ...
The age of fun - even hedonism, conscious capitalism, freedom and a chance to have it all AGAIN!
This is the time to reinvent yourself.. to let the NEW YOU..emerge... feeling young, active and excited.. with all the benefits of half a lifetime of experience..and
- Changing .. for the better...
- Getting to know and crystallising who you really are
- Realising that you have much to offer the world
- Discovering a new sense of purpose
- Acknowledging and harnessing your wisdom.
- Allowing yourself... to simply be you...and blossom again..
This can be the greatest time of your life... a time for you to make use of your skills and experience in a way that benefits everyone and that you love...
A good question for you is...
How can I find renewed purpose in my life? What's next for me?
If you are single it's time for you to attract a relationship based on respect, and mutual evolution...
A good question for you is...
How do I have to be to co-create the kind of relationship I want..?
and if you're partnered it's time for you to review and renew what works in your life as a couple and evolve your relationship to the next stage.... whatever that is..Your question is
What do we both want for this relationship and where do we go from here?
I'm on a mission to motivate and ignite and incite you to go for it all...
If you want to join me on this journey to discover all the wonders of ripening and maturing and evolving..and how you can have an impact, enter into exquisite relationships and feel alive again...
I'll be commenting on and provoking you around all manner of things from the perspective of being this age..and please.. accept this provocation to share the benefit of YOUR wisdom...in the comments here..
Check out my links to the right of this blog... to find out how I can help you..
"When you stand in that sliver of space that is completely and utterly you.. then will you be magnificent, awesome, wonderful!" Joseph Riggio - my mentor www.josephriggio.com
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