The article was about 10 women who'd experienced some change in their life this year... and how it had happened. She wanted to do a story on someone who'd used my services and had some kind of change...I offered her two women who'd been on my courses and who'd had pretty powerful awakenings.
One was a 53 yer old woman - let's call her Viv - who attended the Pulling Power course and then went on to do the MythoSelf weekend I run twice a year [a more intensive personal development weekend that is designed to help people who get there is more to life and who are ready to take that next step into becoming who they truly are]. She's woken up from a dark patch when she was 17 stone... now lost most of it..and is ready to begin a new adventure... she definitely had some great personal shifts as a result of attending my course.
The other was a 54 year old woman - whom I'll call Sally - who'd been on my 'How to Attract YourPerfect Relationship' course and was now experiencing all kinds of synchronicities and opportunities in her life including attracting very different men. She'd also been inspired by the course to take off to the States and follow her dream of becoming a screenplay writer writing a story of her dating adventures.
The journalist, who is herself in her fifties was delighted and told me she'd suggest the case histories to the editor.
Both women were rejected as case histories....I was told the reason was because the first one was 17 stone [sadly the journalist had mis-understood what I said about her having lost most of it] and the second one had been married 3 times.
With all due respect to the journalist who realised what was happening, I was pretty shocked that there appears to be a policy in magazines to feature people who look good.
I've had this happen before... if someone doesn't 'look good' then they dont' want to photograph them. If someone's been married 3 times it's too many.
She's just got had the great realisation about who she was choosing to attract and why it wasn't going to be like that again. And yet they were judging her on the fact that she'd been married 3 times.
We're being stylised. The glossies are at it again... which is why I'm still looking for someone to create a magazine like the US winner 'More' for baby boomers and women over forty which features Jamie Lee Curtis on the front cover.. and her comments about why she chose to pose with all her cellulite and more ample 2002.
She said 'I did it for all those women that I'd been party to making feel less than they were'. She got it. We set up stylised ideals and then convince people that this is how life is... that all women are slim, good looking and pleasing to the eye. We make a cult of celebrity body and we're not it.. and never can be... all we can do is become healthy and make the most of our potential..
Find out here how I lost 18 lbs by alkalising, energising and revitalising my body.
We're perpetuating an image that isn't how most women are. And I know that someone would say well 'they're setting ideas for us to aim to'.. I'm not so sure. I think we're getting just what the magazines are..
a glossed over version of life...
I'd like to see stories about women who are successful who aren't great looking, but have made the most of who they are... and women who have been married heaps of times and now know better.... this is who we are becoming... more than we were...
How about you?
I specialise in but not exclusively working with women over forty to help them find new direction as they approach the most potent time of their lives.... and it's my aim to help women recognise that they can do anything they want no mattter how they were or have been in the past....
Life doesn't begin at fifty.. it begins every moment you live NOW...
For more information on my personal empowerment coaching sessions check out this link on my website.....
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