Last April, round about now time, I was asked to do 4 talks over 4 days on Attraction and Relationship at London's biggest wellness event 'The Vitality Show'. Even though I knew this show was prestigious and being asked was an honour I was wondering it it was worth it. Now I realise just how perfect it was for me.
Despite my occasional questioning I knew that there was a reason I was there and I went with the flow
The topic of my talk was 'Attracting Your Perfect Relationship' and I was promoting an Attract Your Perfect Relationship telephone course. I had just done some certification training with a group of people I'd grown very close to and in one week's time I was due to fly out to Texas for a retreat which was the finale of the course run by Perfect Customers Inc.
The great benefit of being at the show over four days was that I got to immerse myself in all the offerings, one of which was having my blood microscoped. I'm a sucker for anything that monitors my health and well being and this was just one more exploration. My system was telling me to check myself out. I was about 18lbs overweight after spending two years flying out to various seminars and gatherings and I knew it was time to say NO MORE.
At the time I was and still am gestating, amongst a few others, a book for women of my age - a 'bible' - and I dare use that name - to guide them through those challenging yet ultimately highly creative and potentially very resourceful years.
I knew I wanted to write about ageing beautifully, finding love after fifty, building relationship, accepting menopause, how to feel good at fifty, and I knew that as always I'd have to walk my talk if I was going to write from the heart.
I decided to join the gym and get myself fit and healthy and looking good. Instead of saying I want to lose weight or get thin, I kept telling myself 'I am getting fit and and healthy and looking good' even though I wasn't YET in a place where I felt comfortable about my levels of fitness, health, bodyshape and posture.
I monitored my language and how I phrased things because words are neurotransmitters that affect our neurology leaving it in a state of being open or closed, suppressed or relaxed, contracted or expanded or in neurological terms 'excitatory' or 'inhibitory'.
It's vital for us to be aware of how we language everyday, both to ourselves and others and to monitor how we lead ourselves in and out of open and closed and learn to stay more open.
The gym is probably the best in the area, but I joined because it happened to be ten minutes stroll across a field from my home and it has a beautiful spa. I had my session with a private trainer, got my workout program and three times a week or so I'd wander down and plod onto the treadmill, wishing there wasn't so much noise of machines and cursing the fancily designed but unergonomic pool directly below emitting chlorine gas into the gym and wishing they'd turn off the music and getting pissed with the challenges of wearing the ipod and taking care not to drop it and generally not enjoying thus form of exercise at all. The weight lifting was OK, because I like the feel of weight pulling but I didn't like the gym. For one thing it was so damned solitary.
I forced myself to go and found every excuse NOT to.
One day after a particularly irritating workout, I found myself picking up the class list. I'm not a classes person because they are generally full of too many steps that I can't follow because I like slow and they're frenetic fast and I prefer silence to music that is alien to my tastes. I noticed that there were a lot of yoga classes.
Find the Love You Want - in paradise, workshops, spa treatments, yoga September 19-28 2008 Marigot Bay St Lucia

And then I got it, it all fell into place, the knowing of what was perfect for me. I'd done yoga for two years 20 years ago at the very spiritual Sivananda Divanda Centre which was home to a group of yogis, their kids and such and they lived a yogic life. They even served food and taught yogic cookery. I loved that place and I loved yoga even more. And I'd stopped when I moved out of the area and resisted yoga in gyms after a terrible yoga exercise class at the new gym I belonged to which had dumped the 'spiritual' and focused only on 'exercise'.
This time it was different. Yoga was calling to me loudly and softly and I answered the call. My first yoga class was with Garry, a guy around my age, who'd spent his early yoga years at the very same centre I'd attended. He is now a great mate and does a spot on my seminars. My yoga journey over the last year has been profound.
Now I go to yoga six times a week. I love all my teachers and have formed a fabulous local social group with the girls from yoga and one or two guys too! We have Christmas parties, drink coffee [me mint tea] and hang out after the class and we share our stories and make each other laugh and now yoga is one of the blisses of my life so much so that I arrange meetings and private client sessions around it and tell them so! This is what I learned
- Choosing to do the 'exercise' that resonates with you inside and out and aligns totally with you at your best, is what this is all about.
- Developing the relationship with yourself and the knowing you have of what is perfect for you will guide you every time
- Being willing to walk away from and say no to what is not will keep you on track
We all know what's right for us and sometimes we don't want to know
That day at the Vitality Show the blood microscopy blew my mind. The lady doing it told me I needed to alkalise and of course wrote out a prescription for the products I'd need. Green drinks, soy sprouts, Caprilenic this and myco this and bio that. I was willing but didn't buy the goods from her because she didn't accept credit cards. As she was doing my blood test she said in passing.
You must go see Peter Pure, the Raw Food chef - he's such a lovely guy. I wandered down the aisles and saw a group of people gathered around two people holding huge boxes with what looked like the yummiest cheesecake ever. My nose pulled me to the front of the stall. The first taste of that cake as I listened to him talk about the ingredients and all the things that weren't in it had me captured. Raw food appeared to be the answer to the level of vitality I wanted.

I went home knowing that this was an opportunity to change my life. And then I remembered that one of the women on the Strategic Attraction Coaching program was a raw food chef. Brooke Peterson. It turns out she was the area sales director for the very product this lady had recommended to me. Innerlight Greens. I sent her a quick email and one phone call later and a stream of enthusiasm and energy that matched my own Brooke had got my order taken and promised for delivery at the retreat.
So many significant events swirling together to generate a big shift in me and all I was doing was following my nose, with a knowing of how I didn't want to be and even more of a desire for what I wanted and always open to having the way appear to me without having to do too much.
A few days later I flew into Houston for the retreat. During the retreat I started the drinks and to this day I have not gone one day without drinking two [and at least one] bottles of green drinks. This for me is a record to stick to something for so long. But I wasn't sticking to it. It was right for me . No need of sticking or trying or doing grudgingly. I LIKED THIS..
When I got back from Houston I went on a one day gourmet raw food party with Peter Pure, bought all the equipment and started to eat a lot more raw food and drink the green drinks and in a few short months I lost 18 lbs not because I was trying to get slim, but because I wanted to get healthy and I'd found a way that worked for me. In the same way Yoga was perfect for me because I love it. I love everything about it and I love how my body feels when I am in it and after.
And now after a year peppered with synchronicities, I'm about to do the Vitality Show again and two weeks after that I fly out to the States to spend a week beside a lake all alone with a man I manifested and whose qualities match virtually everything on my Strategic Relationship Attraction Plan for the perfect relationship with a man.
I shall be taking my perfect green drinks and my my yoga mat with me and will be heading for Wholefoods in New York to buy the perfect foods for me. before I fly out to Atlanta
Attracting the perfect relationship with myself s what has allowed me to find the right way of eating for me and attract the right kind of man for me. And nothing is set in stone. I am not a na zi about my food and right in the beginning decided to 'eat more raw' and 'drink the greens' and when I go out to eat what there is to eat and know I will always be able to return to balance. Yesterday after a couple of weekends away and lots of restaurant and luscious dinner party food, I'm 4 lbs over what I like myself to be.. so instead of angsting. I just remembered yoga and green drinks... more raw less not... and like that it all works out perfectly.

During the retreat in Texas I explored what makes me tick and came up with a phrase that I still like I'm wickedly provoking potential Mine - Yours - Friends - Clients and my Lover's. My life is turning inside out, I am losing some avenues of income and completely realising that this is to make way for new. I feel myself moving out of running Pulling Power Weekends which have been so popular over the last ten years and into more programs for women of my age.

This wonderful man told me that the most beautiful thing about falling in love is that the more we fall in love with ourselves the more we are able to fall in love with another and the more we fall in love with another the more we fall in love with ourselves...
I agree. All personal evolution and growth begins with loving ourselves enough to want to do everything to please ourselves in a way that's perfect for us and like that we naturally shine our light on others.
big smiles
Find the Love You Want - in Paradise - Join us in St Lucia Sept 19-28 2008